benefits of repurposing content

Repurposing Content: Your Secret Weapon for Better ROI

In the digital marketing sector, “content repurposing” means more than it sounds. It’s a powerful strategy to boost Return on Investment (ROI). Among the key benefits of repurposing content is the fact that it breathes new life into existing content, making it a valuable tool for marketers to enhance their efforts. 

According to ReferralRock, 46% of marketers consider content repurposing as the most effective content marketing tactic, surpassing content creation and updating old content. 

However, to harness its full potential, you must learn its effective use and fully understand its numerous advantages.

This article explains why using the same content in different ways by repurposing can greatly help marketers. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting or have been doing it for a while – using your content in different ways can make your marketing even better and help your brand stand out online.

Content creation vs. content Repurposing

Creating content means making brand-new material from scratch designed for a particular audience or purpose. Imagine a tech company wanting to write a new blog post about “The Future of AI in Healthcare.” The brand should employ writers who have to spend significant hours after research, writing, editing, and subsequently publishing. 

On the other side, repurposing content suggests using existing content repositories and redefining suitable content pieces in unique formats, tones and channels. Therefore, the benefits of repurposing content underpin the necessity for brands to reach more people or serve different business goals.

 For example, that tech company could take the aforementioned blog post and turn it into a bunch of social media infographics, a short informative video on “AI in Healthcare,” and also an email campaign summarizing the main points.

Why Repurposing: The Benefits of Repurposing Content for Better ROI:

Let’s delve into the key benefits of repurposing content that make content repurposing a secret weapon for achieving better ROI:

1. Reach More People: When you repurpose content, you can distribute it on different platforms. This means more people get to see your content, raising brand awareness across channels.

2. Get More Visitors: Changing your content into different formats (like videos or blog posts) means you can attract audiences with different preferences and content consumption patterns. This helps bring more visitors to your website without spending any amount after ad campaigns. It also keeps them engaged and could convert them into potential customers.

“Did you know that 65% of survey marketers think repurposing content is the most budget-friendly strategy?”

3. Lead Generation: Content repurposing can also be a potent tool for lead generation. By extending the reach of your existing content and offering value to a broader audience, you position yourself to capture more contact details. This influx of potential leads can significantly enhance your sales funnel, setting the stage for increased conversions.

4. Cost-Efficient: Repurposing content is not only a savvy strategy for maximizing your resources but also a cost-efficient way to bolster your SaaS offerings. By enhancing and reutilizing what you already possess, you sidestep the added expenses and time commitments of crafting new material from scratch. 

What to Repurpose:  Identifying Which Content Should be Repurposed

Here are steps to assist you in determining which content to repurpose in order to achieve maximum benefits of content repurposing and boost ROI:

  • Analyze Performance: Start by examining your content galore. Find the pieces and topics people appreciate, visit recurringly, or share often. These are the ones ideal for content repurposing.
  • Prioritize Evergreen Content: Look for content that constantly adds value. Seek articles or resources that contain lasting information, processes or insight that are not easily changed over time.
  • Keyword Research: Conduct accurate keyword research to find the current trends in your niche. Match keywords with existing content for optimization or repurposing.
  • Update and Expand: Refresh slightly outdated content with new data and insights. Extend well-performing content with follow-up pieces or comprehensive guides.
  • Competitor Analysis: Look at what other companies are doing. Find topics and themes that they are not exploring adequately. Then, put your focus on delivering top-notch repurposed content based on that particular subject or topic. 
  • Feedback and Analytics: Pay close attention to feedback and data related to your content. If there’s a recurring theme in the questions or discussions from your audience, take note. Such patterns indicate areas of interest or gaps in your content. Leveraging these insights can guide you in enhancing and tailoring your content for even greater resonance with your audience.
  • Content Calendar: Make a detailed plan for your content by creating a calendar. This calendar should show how you’ll use your content regularly and discreetly. This will also help you avoid repetition, stick to a schedule and use your content effectively.

How to Repurpose Content: 6 Strategies to Deliver Better 

Reusing content makes your content marketing efforts better suited for enhanced outcomes. Here are some useful ways to do it for more promising results:

1. Audit Your Existing Content 

Start by sifting through all the resources you’ve already made on different occasions and themes. Find the trendy themes, including the material that’s always useful and the topics your audience loves. This will be the base for your plan to repurpose content.

2. Define Repurposing Goals 

Decide what you want to achieve by repurposing content. Do you want to reach new people, do better on search engines, or get more people interested? Knowing your goals will help you make a plan that gets you the desired results.

3. Audience Analysis 

Grasp the preferences and inclinations of your target audience. Identify their favored content formats and preferred platforms. By doing so, you can tailor your repurposed content to align seamlessly with their expectations.

4. Choose the Right Content to Repurpose

While not all content is suitable for repurposing, concentrate on materials that have enduring value or can be reformatted effectively. Typically, blog posts, webinars, and comprehensive guides offer the versatility and depth ideal for repurposing.

5. Optimize for Different Platforms

Every platform where you put content has its own way of doing things and what people like. When you reuse content for specific places, like social media or emails, ensure it works well for that place. This helps get people interested and get better results.

6. Cross-promotion, Analysis, and ROI Optimization 

Promote your reused content everywhere, like in emails and on social media, to get more people to see it and be interested. Look at how it uses numbers, like how many people are interested, how many click on it, and how many do what you want them to do. Learn from this info and keep making your plan better so you keep getting better results.

Real Examples of Repurposing Content Across Different Platforms

Repurposing content comes with numerous advantages. Here are some ways to unlock these benefits with real examples:

1. Convert Blog Posts into Engaging Videos

How to do it: Take your blog posts that people really like and make them into cool videos. You can make videos that explain stuff, show how to do things, or just talk about the main points from the blog.

“If you share information with a visual, you have a 65% better chance of making your brand memorable.”

For example: HubSpot often turns their famous blog posts into videos for YouTube. They repurpose the blog into informative videos with captivating pictures and lively animations. This way, they get more people to see their stuff and improve their blog performance.

2. Create Visual Infographics from Data-Rich Content

How to do it: If you have content with lots of data, like research or numbers, make them into simple pictures called infographics. These materials are easy to share, quick to attract and highly retained among the audience.

“Marketers love infographics because they increase web traffic by 12%.

Example: Neil Patel, a famous digital marketer, often turns his research into infographics. These pictures show important info in a way that’s easy to look at and share.

3. Turn a whitepaper or research report into a blog post

How to do it: Take the important content pieces from an oversized report and repurpose them in a short blog post. You may also make a series of blog posts to focus on the key subtopics one at a time.

Example: Hootsuite did this with their 2022 Digital Trends Report as they repurposed the important findings of the research into a blog post.

4. Post user-generated content on various platforms

How to do it: Before repurposing user-generated content, always seek their consent. Once granted, adapt it to various platforms by adjusting dimensions, incorporating relevant text, and ensuring it’s optimized for each specific medium.

    “Consumers find user-generated content 2.4 times more authentic than brand-created content.”

Example: Calvin Klein made a page with stuff made by users. They show how real people use their products, not just fancy models. This helps shoppers see what the products look like on real people.

Wrapping Up!

Integrating content repurposing into your marketing strategy is akin to unlocking a hidden gem that turbocharges the ROI. It essentially maximizes your content production efforts, expands the audience base, reinforces brand messaging and conserves time and resources while harnessing the timeless value of existing content. 

Don’t let your valuable content sit idle; repurpose it confidently. Witness your ROI surge as your brand garners the recognition and engagement it deserves. 

To fully gain the benefits of content repurposing , collaborate with Springzo, your destination for exceptional content, delivering a competitive advantage. 

Our expertise breathes new life into every piece, from nuanced text to captivating visuals, ensuring each resonates deeply and effectively. From converting audio into stunning visuals to crafting compelling blog pieces, we can mold your content into a dynamic asset that seamlessly aligns with your business objectives. 

Sign up with Springzo today to supercharge your content repurposing strategy!


Q1. How to Ensure Content Repurposing Consistency and Quality?

A1. Create clear guidelines and templates to maintain branding consistency. Regularly update statistics and examples for relevance. Optimize based on performance metrics for ongoing quality.

Q2. How Does Content Repurposing Reinforce Brand Messaging?

A2. Repetition via content repurposing reinforces brand messages across channels, boosting recognition and memorability.

Q3. How Can Content Repurposing Improve SEO and Traffic?

A3. Repurpose content to target new keywords, update data, and build backlinks for better search engine rankings and organic traffic growth.

Q4. Common Content Repurposing Mistakes to Avoid?

A4. Don’t duplicate content without adding value, neglect platform optimization, or forget to update outdated information. Ensure alignment with current brand messaging and goals for consistency.