Podcast Marketing

How to Use Podcasts for Marketing: Tips and Ideas for Business Growth

Are you a brand or a business looking to connect with your audience?

Then, it’s a no-brainer to have content marketing in place.

You likely already know what kind of content your audience wants from you. And you are also aware that simply relying on text-based content isn’t enough.

Think about it: if you’re a news agency,  delivering news only through traditional newspapers. 

Could you reach all of your audience that way? The answer is likely no. 

Today, there are a multitude of content formats to try and explore. For now, let’s shine a spotlight on one of the most impactful and popular formats: podcasts.

More people than ever are into podcasts, with a whopping 90 million Americans now tuning in every week.

Podcasts are a great addition to a multimedia content marketing strategy. While you may already publish valuable content through various formats, podcasts bring a unique human element. The conversational style of podcasts allows listeners to connect with your brand more personally than most mediums permit.

That is why podcast marketing is gaining immense popularity and is now considered an essential content marketing strategy. 

Before we jump into tips and ideas on how to use podcast marketing for business growth, let’s explore its benefits briefly. 

Podcast Marketing and Its Benefits

1. Reaching New Audiences

One of the primary benefits of podcast marketing is the ability to extend your reach to new audiences that may not be tapped through your existing marketing efforts. 

Podcasts increase brand awareness by 89%.

Because podcast followers don’t fully overlap with your blog post or social media audience. So, there’s a whole segment of potential customers to capture. 

2. Establishes Personal Connect With Your Audience

Podcasts tend to be more informal and a  conversational medium. This sense of casual connection and relatability is a unique benefit. That personal connection is invaluable whether attracting new customers or strengthening existing relationships. Podcasts humanize your brand, putting friendly yet knowledgeable faces behind it. And it makes the audience more receptive to your offerings and guidance.

3. Cross-Promotional Opportunities 

Podcast marketing creates excellent opportunities for hosts to collaborate with each other. Being a guest on other shows in your industry lets you connect with new audiences and spread your influence. At the same time, having fellow experts on your podcast brings fresh perspectives to your listeners while also helping those guests expand their reach. The interactive audio format makes podcasts a natural place for this kind of beneficial crossover.

4. Lead Generation

Podcasts are a fantastic lead-generation tool when done right. You can organically build an engaged audience over time by producing high-value audio content consistently and distributing it widely. You can persuade your audience into customers by delivering consistent value over time. 

5. Content Repurposing

Podcasts offer numerous repurposing opportunities, and you can get a ton of mileage from the content. Say you have a 30-minute interview with an industry leader for your show. Don’t stop at just publishing the full episode. Slice a 10-15 minute section to share as a video preview on YouTube. Turn the transcript into a blog article by adding some graphics and section headers.

Repurposing podcasts lets you maximize your content production workflow. Your audience gets to engage with your expertise across multiple platforms but presented in ways tailored to each medium.

Explore 20 ways to Repurpose Podcast Content for Maximum Impact.

The benefits we just covered are just the beginning. Podcast marketing has tons of potential to take your business to the next level. How exactly? 

Well, that depends on your specific goals and audience. Now, let’s explore some effective ideas and tips for using podcasts as a marketing tool that can help you grow your business.

8 Tips and Ideas To Use Podcast Marketing For Your Business Growth

1. Become a Trusted Expert

Podcast marketing gives you a powerful platform to establish yourself as an expert in a particular field or niche. You don’t need to be an expert on all the topics. Focus on a specific area that your business can provide unique insights on. And share stories and perspectives your audience won’t get elsewhere. 

For example, let’s say you own a store that specializes in running shoes and gear. You can start a podcast explicitly focused on using running gear or something like injury prevention or training for beginners.

2. Stay Relevant by Covering Current Events and News

People get more invested when talking about issues that are impacting their lives right now. Developing episode ideas around emerging trends and news means you can capture more listeners in the conversation. This growing audience equals more potential customers down the road.

For your store specializing in running shoes, you can discuss new shoe launches from major brands, make comparisons and share your verdict.

3. Grow Your Social Media Followers 

If you have a podcast, you need to use it to grow your social media presence; otherwise, you’re missing out on a significant opportunity.

 For example, mention and link to all your social handles with each episode when you wrap up the show. This reminds listeners where to find you online. 

Additionally, use social media posts and stories to generate buzz leading up to the release. Tease what’s coming to get people excited. The goal is to convert podcast listeners into social media followers who can later become your customers.

4. Visualize Your Podcasts

Don’t just stick to audio – make video versions of your podcast episodes, too. Providing both audio and video creates a more immersive, multi-platform experience for your audience. 

For example, you can use the episodes to grow your brand on YouTube. The extra effort is minimal since you’re already creating the podcast content. It will also become your dual-purpose marketing strategy with minimal costs involved.

5. Bring Guests On Your Show

Invite guests who are experts in the industry or can align with the content you share in your podcast episodes. Having guests not only helps you connect with your target audience but also brings in outside expertise, making your discussions more engaging and credible. 

In fact, 63% of branded podcasts use an interview/discussion format.

Choose people your audience would find interesting. Aim for a mix of fresh perspectives and established voices. 

6.  Sponsorships 

As your podcast grows, start considering sponsored partnerships with brands. This can generate revenue while expanding your visibility. When a sponsor supports your show, it signals to listeners that a company believes in you. But make sure any deal is a fit for your audience and brand, not just a cash grab. Look for sponsors already active in podcast marketing – they understand the medium. Their experience helps ensure an arrangement where you both benefit.

7. Exclusive Offers in Episodes

Your podcast can serve double duty – as a content marketing tool while directly driving sales. Listeners expect hosts to occasionally promote a sponsor’s product. You can use this same tactic to boost your own sales. 

Over 55% of the listeners have bought something because of a podcast ad. 

Going back to the running shoe store, for example, you can incentivize listeners by offering exclusive discount codes and special deals for your podcast audience. This gives people a reason to buy from you instead of competitors. 

8. Create a Homebase 

Consider creating a dedicated page or microsite for your podcast marketing content. You could make it a section of your existing company website. Or build a small, podcast-specific site from scratch. Having a centralized hub to house all your episodes makes it super easy for listeners to find your content. It becomes their go-to place to access each show.

So here we are with so much potential and growth podcasts can bring to our business if done right and with a strategy in mind.  But let’s be real – podcasting brings significant challenges, too. Building an audience, producing episodes, staying on schedule – it’s a lot. 

Read more about Podcast Production Challenges & Solutions for Brands.

But here’s the good news. You don’t have to figure it all out alone. With Springzo, you have an end-to-end podcast management service at your command. 

And our best promise?

You will be ready with your podcast marketing episodes in just 20 days without breaking a sweat or your bank. Reach out to us to discuss how we can help your business grow with our fully done-for-you podcasting service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What kinds of businesses can benefit from podcast marketing?

A: Podcast marketing is incredibly versatile and can be a game-changer for various businesses, including startups, e-commerce stores, service providers, educational institutions, and niche-specific enterprises.

Q. How long should a podcast episode be for the best engagement?

A: The ideal podcast length varies depending on the content and your target audience. However, many successful podcasts run for about 20 minutes to an hour. This duration ensures engagement while respecting the attention spans of your listeners.

Q. Do I need professional equipment to start a podcast, or can I begin with basic tools?

A:  While professional equipment can enhance audio quality, starting a podcast is not a prerequisite. Many beginners use affordable microphones and editing software. What truly matters is the content and the ability to create engaging discussions, often outweighing the need for high-end equipment.